General Information & Policies


Please make sure your dancer comes dressed in their dance attire and has used the bathroom before coming. A restroom is available if needed.

The lobby/waiting area will be closed until further notice. Please drop your dance off 5 minutes before class time begins so we can avoid large crowds. You are welcome to drop off your dancer or hang out in the backyard playground during class. Please wait outside the studio door to pick up your dancer. Thank you for your patience with this!

Dancers may bring a labeled water bottle into the studio. No food or gum please.

Dress Code

  • Leotards, tights, skirts, or tutus any colors are welcome

  • Leggings/athletic shorts and comfortable shirts are also welcome

Ballet: Pink ballet slippers (boys may wear black)

Jazz: Black jazz shoes (lace or slip on) or black ballet slippers

Tap: Black tap shoes

Lyrical & Contemporary: Barefoot, ballet slippers, or tan jazz shoes are all welcome!

  • Hair should be put up in a secure ponytail, bun, or braid. Short hair should be secured back from face with a headband or clips.

  • No dangly jewelry (earrings/necklaces) or play jewelry please. It is very distracting to the young dancer and could be caught in the clothing or scarves during freeze dance at the end of the class.

  • Please be sure to label all dance shoes and tie and tuck ballet bows into shoes.


You may use the parking lot on the side of Media Children’s House off of Donnelly Ave (across from Holy Family). The side lot is highly recommended. Please use the gate to enter into the backyard by the playground. The entrance door will be clearly marked in the back of the building. We have our own entrance in the back — please do not try to enter the building by the front or side doors.


A non-refundable costume fee will be due by the end of January. More info to come. Recital in June TBD.

Class Schedule

Fall classes run September - December

Spring classes begin January - June

No Classes

Monday, October 31st for Halloween

November 20th-24th for Thanksgiving.

March 25th-29th for Spring Break.

February Break TBD

May 27th for Memorial Day

Tuition Rates

Make up or classes or zoom will be available for students who are absent from class.

Tuition is based on the total cost per dance year (32 weeks) and broken down into 9 monthly installments.

Monthly payments are due by the 15th of every month.

Online payments, cash, check or Venmo are all accepted.

Costume Fees will be due by January 2024.

Tuition is charged monthly and will be posted on the 1st every month and due by the 15th.

Online Payments on Portal, Cash, check, or Venmo are welcome.

Please make check payable to: Connections Dance Studio

Venmo privately @Melisssa-Posthauer